Children’s Author
Mari Schuh is the author of hundreds of nonfiction books for children. Focusing on beginning readers, Mari covers many science and social studies topics. She also writes educational fiction books.
Feature Writer
As a seasoned writer with more than two decades of experience, Mari writes features, news articles and consumer content for daily newspapers, news magazines and healthcare organizations. Recent work includes personality profiles, lifestyle articles and philanthropy-related communications.
Photo by Sheryl Olson
About Mari
When I was little, I loved the word tuxedo. Tuxedo, tuxedo. It was like a funny little song I’d sing over and over.
My love of tuxedo and other words later compelled me to spend winter breaks studying for school spelling bees. I remember the excitement of winning the fifth-grade bee by successfully spelling lion and the disappointment of not winning the sixth-grade contest because I spelled effect instead of affect. Always listen to how the word is used in a sentence, I learned.